NASUWT North East
The NASUWT, the Teachers’ Union, provides unrivalled protection, benefits and support for teachers, from professional advice and legal support to High Street discounts and free training.
With over 13 000 members in the North East your voice in the workplace can really make a difference. We have a network of Workplace Representatives and Workplace Contacts that do a brilliant job of looking after our members and improve working conditions in their schools. If you haven't got a Workplace Representative or Contact in your school then why not consider becoming one? Contact us at the Regional Centre and have a conversation with one of our Organisers who can tell you more about the role and the training available to you.
Health and Safety Representatives carry out a vital role in that they are responsible for not only Health & Safety but also the wellbeing of members in their schools. They help with matters such as ensuring reasonable adjustments are made, for example, for a teacher going through menopause, or a teacher with a cancer diagnosis, or they may have had a miscarriage. All of these life events can be made easier with the care and support of a Health & Safety Rep.
By ‘putting teachers first’, the NASUWT works to enhance the status of the teaching profession to deliver real improvements to teachers’ working lives, seeking to ensure they are recognised and rewarded as highly skilled professionals with working conditions that enable them to focus on their core role of teaching.
"The NASUWT invests in the provision of free, high-quality education and training courses for all its members and representatives across the UK.
Members are the lifeblood of the NASUWT and our lay activists are the Union’s beating heart".
Dr Patrick Roach - NASUWT General Secretary
Students NQTs Experienced teachers
There are hundreds of resources and videos to help members at every stage in their career on our national website.
Visit www.nasuwt.org.uk for more information, including:-
Subscription fees 2024

Membership subs payable from 1 January 2024
Included to the left are our subscription rates for 2024, along with payment periods and discounts for part-time and retired members. [1]
The cost for a teacher working full time is £18.36 a month or £220.36 a year and less for part-time teachers, depending on your contracted hours of work.
It is important to keep us informed of any changes to your circumstances. If you reduce or increase your hours, please email the Membership Team to ensure you are paying the correct subscription rate.
Subscription rates for supply/substitute teacher members are based on the average number of hours a supply/substitute teacher tells us they work in any given year.
The NASUWT makes every effort to inform all members in writing every year of the forthcoming subscription rates for the following calendar year. Given that any reductions in subscription rates due to a member’s change in circumstances can only be made at the point the Union is informed of the change, subscription rate changes cannot be made retrospectively.
For details of special membership offers, including offers for students, new teachers who have recently qualified and those on maternity leave, plus how to claim tax relief, please see our Subscriptions - Membership Offers page.
There are no hidden fees or local levies so you can rest assured that the NASUWT, the teachers’ union, is the best value for money.