Health and Safety
As well as being the Local Secretary of Sunderland Association I am also Chair of the North East Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee. Our purpose is to support and empower members seeking to improve or maintain their working environment.
Health, Safety and Wellbeing covers a wide range of areas from slips and trips, RAAC, Asbestos, Excessive Temperature, sickness, workload and working hours to name just a few!
If you have any Health and Safety concerns please do not hesitate to contact me on 07881260516 or via
We organise and support activities and look to train members in Health and Safety and Mental Health issues. If you are interested in joining our Health & safety team please get in touch.

The Health and Safety Representative role and functions
A Health and Safety Representative (H&S Rep):
is elected by fellow members of a recognised trade union to represent them on matters of health, safety and welfare at work;
can be elected to represent members of each trade union within the workplace by agreement;
may represent members of other recognised unions (not only teachers) if so requested;
is not liable in law for any duties beyond those common to all employees;
has rights established in law;
is not ‘appointed’ by the Headteacher/Principal or Governing Body/Board.
A person appointed by the Headteacher/Principal to oversee health and safety, commonly known as the school or college Health and Safety Officer, or competent person, has quite a different role and is responsible in law for the way in which he/she carries it out. Union Health and Safety Representatives cannot be held legally liable for failing to carry out their functions. An NASUWT Health and Safety Representative is indemnified by the Union.
Teachers seek legal and professional protection from a teachers’ union. They often overlook the role that the NASUWT plays in the protection of their health, safety and welfare. It is important to ensure that all staff are involved in and made aware of the work done in their interests by the NASUWT Health and Safety Representative. Non-members should be encouraged to join and receive the full benefits of NASUWT membership.
Under the Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977 (SRSC), Health and Safety Representative’s functions are defined as:
representing NASUWT members’ health and safety interests in consultation with the senior management;
investigating potential hazards and dangerous occurrences;
examining the causes of accidents at work;
investigating complaints from the people you represent;
occasionally meeting a Health and Safety Inspector;
carrying out safety inspections of the workplace;
attending meetings of the Health and Safety Committee;
reading health and safety information provided by an inspector, your employer and the NASUWT.
Behaviour Management 6th Nov via Zoom
Working Assertively 18th Oct via Zoom
Mental Health First Aid 28th Nov & 5th Dec NERC
Big Question survey analysis 2023
Causes and signs of stress at work
Cleaning and disinfecting (Post Covid)
Excessive working temperatures
Managing the Menopause in the workplace
Risk Assessment: Violent and abusive behaviour
Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977
Social Media and online abuse of teachers
Strep A & Scarlet Fever guidance
Workload Impact Assessment example for reps