Sunderland Association
Secretary's welcome
It has been a very busy term and I have had the pleasure of visiting dozens of schools across Sunderland over the last few weeks telling our members more about NASUWTs' Better Deal for Teachers Campaign and answering any questions our members may have had.
If I haven't visited your school yet, then I may see you after the half term armed with some sweet treats.
If you have any questions about the ballot, the prospect of strike action and action short of strike action then please don't hesitate to contact me.
Andy Lewis
Sunderland Negotiating Secretary
Contact us
Sunderland Negotiating Secretary Mr Andy Lewis
Casework Officer Mrs Nancy Wakeham
Sunderland Treasurer Mrs Nancy Wakeham
NASUWT North East Regional Centre,
Witney Way, Boldon Colliery NE35 9PE
0191 5195300